Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Beware of X-Box Live: You May Be Playing With Terrorists!

According to British news magazine “The Sun” players of the military shooter Call of Duty are plotting terrorist attacks behind our backs. If that’s true then America is in for one hell of a takeover because as far as I know everyone and their mom’s mom is into the series. Seriously, where do these ideas come from?

According to the article Islamic terrorists are no longer using email or telephones as a means to communicate because they are constantly monitored. Xbox live and the Playstation Network are safe because these alleged terrorists can communicate in secret by creating “Lobby’s” so that they can “Chat” and create “Clans.”

Notice that throughout the report that no actual evidence is ever submitted. It’s just a flagrant attempt to drive people into a frenzy for absolutely no reason. The saddest part is that there will be those few people that actually believe this go on thinking that one of these days Call of Duty players are going to rise up against them.

"There has even been evidence would-be jihadists treat war games as training tools, a bit like a pilot might use a flight simulator."

I didn't realize that after a person killed so many people in real life that they suddenly gained the ability to drop a nuke. So I guess I'm living in a different sort of reality and the next time I walk out my door I'll walk into an irradiated waste land because of all the nukes that have been dropped in our country's recent escapades.  

I wonder if the flight simulator they are referring to is Ace Combat?

"They are logging into group games over the internet and discussing terror plots. Security people know about it" says the paper.

If that's true than how would they know to begin with? Has the CIA or FBI actually started monitoring X-Box Live chats without our consent or are they simply just making it up? I'm going to go with the latter. If the government was spending hard earned money to listen to teenagers bitch at each other over a lost killstreak than we would have bigger problems than terrorists. 

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